On entering the Department, I was treated to a glass of bubbly, while I browsed through the collections. There was an excellent range of designers to choose from - Sonia Rykiel, Louisa Cerano, Marc Cain, Gerry Weber, Betty Barclay and of course, Olsen and Armani Jeans. A new Classic Collection by the Italian Designer "Nissa" was a winner for me - it was excellent! A must see for any lady that likes Class.
The outfit that caught my eye on the day was the very smart grey and black Empire Line dress, with a waist-length, matching jacket. The trimming and cut of this dress was simple, elegant and, of course, very classy! The Italians just seem to put everything into their detail, bringing the whole outfit together - so stunning! You could wear this for any occasion, and any age group, with sizes from 10 to 16.
My pictures show Rosalind, who is an assistant in the Fashion Department, modelled this particular outfit with grace and elegance. The other picture shows Carol, Rosalind and Anne Marie, showing the Sonia Rykiel Collection. The block colouring design on these outfits is very pleasant for the Winter, and will flatter any figure, mainly because the fabrics are fine wool and of course that means they are also very warm.
I was very impressed with the garments I saw. So, Ladies, if you are in St. Annes why not go into J.R. Taylors and visit the Fashion Department. You will be pleasantly surprised, giving you Designer Fashion with a difference, which is what J.R. Taylor's do best. Why not stop and have a coffee or a snack in the lovely cafe on the ground floor while you are there?
Thank you to Carol and her Staff for making it a very pleasant morning and for listening to customers' comments. Very interesting.