Sunday 18 September 2011

Burlesque At Rumes Night Club, Preston - 23rd September

Link for tickets:

Hangout Harry and Rumes Nightclub present an evening of excitingly extravagant performances from some of the North West’s number one performers to celebrate the start of a new era for Hangout Harry Ltd!

Join us on the close of Freshers’ Fortnight with BURLESQUE, featuring talent-filled stunners SCARLETT D'LYTE, STARLA BRIGHT & burlesque duo STAR BAZAAR, Boylesque beautyFLIXX DEMONTRANT, freakishly funny magician, SIMON SOUTH, all out dancing sensation SCARLETT DI MONTE, the vocally voluptuous KURT MANNERS, and as singing compere, the fabulously glamorous EVA FOX (in photo right)..!

DJ Bik will be making a return to the decks too, playing a cool classy selection of groovy licks from the decades after which local legend DJ KA will take over from 11.30pm for the launch of Hangout Harry Reloaded:

Dress to impress!! Best dressed will win a prize on the night!

Entry for the whole shebang (Burlesque and the launch of HH Reloaded) is a £4 if you pay in advance/NUS or £6 on the door.

You can also purchase tickets in advance from Rumes - contact Andrew on 07751 711 335 for more information

Check out the links for a taster of what BANG! you get for your BUCKS!
Starla Bright -
Scarlett D'Lyte -
Star Bazaar -
Flixx Demontrant -
Kurt Manners -
Simon South -  at the Foo Fighters gig! and FB -
Eva Fox -  or