Saturday 2 July 2011

Tuesday Afternoon Tea Dances at The Sands Venue, Blackpool

Back by popular demand until the end of August, Tuesday afternoon Tea Dances at the Sands Venue on Blackpool Promenade are very special.  With a live band - Frontline who are experienced cruise line entertainers - world-class venue with plenty of space to dance and a truly scrumptious afternoon tea served to your table, this is a real treat and all for £9.99 per person.

Even if you don't dance, why not go along, listen to the band, make new friends and enjoy the afternoon tea experience.

Dancing starts at 2 p.m. and ends at 4 p.m.

For further information, please call 01253 635262 or just pop in.

To hear an interview with Frontline Jazz Quartet Band Leader John Moakes, click on the sound icon below