Monday 18 July 2011


A fun(d) raising cabaret night in aid of Chernobyl Children's Lifeline will be held at the Sitting Goose Inn which is in Lea Lane, Preston, PR4 0RT - Tel. No. 01772 690344 on Saturday, 23rd July 2011.

Starting at 7.30 p.m. and going on till midnight, you can hear the very talented "Frank Flynn Trio" and the fabulous "Nostalgia" Show Band. Tickets are priced at £10 each and supper is included.  It promises to be a fantastic evening and this is a cause well worth supporting.

Frank and Janice hosted a visit from 8 children from the Ukraine at their home in Pilling for a treasure hunt and a sing-song. In spite of the rain the children had a lovely time. Chernobyl Children's Lifeline brings children to the UK for one month to breath clean air and eat fresh, unpolluted food and water. These breaks really do make a great difference to the life-expectancy of these children.

For further information, or to reserve tickets, please call the venue or contact Chris on 01772 686339.

All proceeds will go to Chernobyl Chidren's Lifeline, Registered Charity No. 1014274