Tuesday 5 July 2011

Garden Open Day for Macmillan Cancer Care raised over £4,000

As you know, Janice and Frank Flynn open their beautiful garden each year in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care.  This year - 26th June - marked the tenth anniversary of this event.  Janice has asked us to thank everyone and how better than in her own words:

"Dear Friends

Our 10th Garden Open day on 26th June was a resounding success. The weather was great and nearly 500 people came to see the garden which looked fabulous.  We made nearly £4,200.00 for the Over Wyre Macmillan Cancer Support - an incredible sum which takes our total for the 10 years to roughly £26.200.00.

Frank and I were delighted and humbled by the huge turn out and the wonderful things everyone said about our garden.  Once again, it was only possible with the help of our family and friends who, so willingly, give their time and support before and on the day. The peerless Macmillan ladies - and husbands - who work so hard to make it such a success and the countless home bakers who again brought their wonderful creations to the cake stall.

I don't know about next year - I never think about it until after Christmas. But I never say never so watch this space!

There was a video made for television on the day which will be shown on Sky Showcase Channel 201 - Backstage Blackpool - sometime in August. I'll let you know when I know the date.

Finally, I entered the Daily Mail National Garden Competition again this year - to please my friend Pat from Yorkshire - she with the pink hair!!. I last entered in 2006 and came 7th and received a highly commended plaque. I have been short listed to the final eleven this time and Hamish Webb from the Daily Mail and Tim Sharples, a garden designer, have been to see my garden this morning. They were very complimentary. If I reach the final four my garden will be featured in the Daily Mail Weekend magazine in late July and the winner will be announced in August. So that's another space to watch.

I would be gratefulI if you could forward or show this to anyone who was involved or came to the garden and whose email I may not have.

I'm having a day off from gardening today - the first for about a month, but somehow I know that grass will keep growing!

With gratitude and thanks and love to each every one who did anything to help, however big or small.
