Monday 22 April 2013

Helping our Honey Bees

Believe it or not we all need bees and they do a wonderful job.  Without them, we would have no crops because it is the bees who do the job of pollination.   And they have done it for years with no help from us and all free.   Workers like that really do need our support.   Our bees are under threat from pollution.

How can we help?

Buy local honey - this may also help combat hay fever.

Sponsor a hive.

Plant bee-friendly plants and persuade your local authority to do the same.

Lancashire Honey Farmer Craig Hughes at Crossmoor Honey Farm, Keeps Barn Farm, Crossmoor, Lancashire PR4 3XB has a couple of fantastic options available for those who would like to sponsor a hive.  So why not contact Craig and see how you can help.

To find out more contact Craig on 01995 672582, e-mail him on or go on the website


Robin at 38 Degrees just sent me this:

Next week environment ministers from across Europe will come together to decide the fate of our bees. They’ll vote on a ban of these pesticides - but Owen Paterson, our environment minister, is currently saying he’ll vote against. [1]

We only have one week to show him that he’s not only going against science, he’s going against public opinion too. Already, over 160,000 38 Degrees members have signed a petition to push Paterson to vote the right way and back a ban.

Please add your name to the petition before next Monday’s crucial vote:

Summer skies used to hum furiously with busy bees, pollinating our strawberries, carrots and cucumbers. [2] But bee numbers have been declining for many years and the countryside is suffering. Scientific studies point the finger firmly at certain pesticides but despite all the evidence, our minister is still planning to vote against a ban.

Changing his mind won’t be easy - we’re battling against furious lobbying from big pesticide companies who put their profits first. [3] But the tide is turning. The scientific evidence is on our side, and the weight of public opinion on this is becoming difficult to ignore.

We have stood against those that seek to cash in on our countryside before, and we won. [4] These pesticide companies are desperate to defeat Monday’s vote. They may have the money to make a lot of noise, but we have something their cash can’t buy: people power. When we stand together, we stand for the interests of the many over the few. Let’s make Owen Paterson sit up and take notice.

Can you sign the petition to tell him to vote to protect our bees?