Tuesday 22 January 2013

Social Dance at the Monterey Beach Hotel, St. Annes, Tuesday, 19th February 2013 7.30 p.m.

It may be winter outside but at the Monterey Beach Hotel it's spring!

The Monterey Beach Hotel

North Promenade


Invite you to a Grand Social Dance

On Tuesday 19th February 2013

Bringing to St.Annes the first appearance of

The Frontline Dance Duo

(formerly of the Sands Venue Blackpool)

Ballroom,Sequence and Latin American.

Grand Raffle in aid of Rosemere Cancer

Time 7.30pm

Carriages 11.30pm.

Tickets £3.00 each,

Available from Monterey Beach Hotel, tel 01253 721317.

Or Barbara Wright-Hurst 07731 654629

B and B available at the Hotel £25 per person - book through the Hotel.