Detroit based punk band Choking Susan are playing some live dates in the Republic of Irleand this forthcoming weekend:
27th May: Sweeney's, Dublin, 19:00
28th May: An Cruiscin Lan, Cork - 19:00
29th May: The Trades Club, Sligo - 19:00
30th May: CDP New Ross, Wexford - 19:00
They are also touring the UK during July, leading up to their appearance at the Rebellion Festival in Blackpool in August. For a full list of dates, take a look here:
We recently had a chat with Colleen Caffeine about her music and looking ahead to the Rebellion Festival. The full interview will be broadcast in our Rebellion Festival Preview Special show on Preston FM on Wednesday 27th July at 4pm but you can hear a sneak preview right now by clicking on the sound icon below: