Tuesday 29 October 2013

Heroes Of The Line - Charity ebook in aid of Royal British Legion

Here's a chance to read a really fascinating book and help a good cause at the same time. With many people's attention now firmly fixed on the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War next year, there are lots of great publications coming out that look back at that pivotal moment of world history but this book brings the story right up to date.

Scott Addington tells the story of how he and his friend decided to CYCLE along the length of the front line of the Western Front, stopping off at the battlefields and war cemeteries and finishing up at the Menin Gate on Remembrance Sunday. 

So this is the diary of his trip - the story of their adventure - and he also includes stories of some of the fighting men who are commemorated in the cemeteries that they visit.

The cycle ride raised £3500 for the Royal British Legion - and here is where YOU come in.  The book "Heroes Of The Line - Two Guys, Two Bikes, 500 Miles of Trenches and an Army Of Heroes" is available to buy as a kindle download from Amazon.  It only costs £2.50 and £1 from each copy sold goes to the Royal British Legion.

If you are not interested in the First World War, look upon it as a travel book - a sort of impromptu Bill Bryson on wheels - but do have a look at this, Scott has really put his heart and soul into this project and it deserves to be a great success.

You can buy the ebook from Amazon here now: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Heroes-The-Line-Scott-Addington-ebook/dp/B00EPF5W7C/ref=pd_sim_kinc_6

If you don't want to buy the ebook but still want to support Scott's fundraising, there is a Just Giving page here: www.justgiving.com/heroesoftheline

Scott also runs an interesting website called Military Research, which you can find here: http://www.military-research.co.uk/