Wednesday 2 October 2013

Crafty Clickers - Poppy Knitting Project at Nelson ACE Centre

The Craft Clickers based at The ACE Centre have just announced details of their first major charity project.  They have joined forces with the Nelson & District Branch of the Royal British Legion to produce Knitted Poppies for this year’s annual Poppy Appeal.

Crafty Clickers’ organiser Beverly McKiernan has been in touch with the crafty crew who are all now in possession of a very simple pattern which results in beautiful hand knit poppies.  The plan is to knit as many of these little masterpieces as possible which will be part of the RBL fundraising effort this autumn.

The hand knits will have special pride of place at the RBL stand at this year’s Vintage and Craft Fair to be held at The ACE Centre from 11th to 13thOctober.

As the organisers want this to be a record-breaking success, they are still looking for more knitters (or perhaps crochet kings and queens) to produce similar items to help support this worthy cause.

Anyone interested in getting involved should ring Beverly at The ACE Centre on 01282 661080 and she will forward a copy of the pattern.  Then all you have to do is beaver away at the poppies in your own time.  Whether you have time to do one, or a hundred, your input will be very welcome indeed!!  Beverly will liaise with each crafter until the big unveiling when the final tally will be presented to the local Royal British Legion!

Similarly, anyone wishing to support the scheme with donations of knitting needles, or wool (preferably red, green and black – for obvious reasons) should contact Beverly on the above number.

And of course, the invitation is most definitely open to young and old, seasoned crafters and novices -  and a special invitation goes out to the gentlemen crafters as well as the fairer sex.