Thursday 11 October 2012

World Premiêre of "Inspector Norse" at Blackpool Grand Theatre - Monday 15th October Only

Showing Monday 15 October 2012  For ONE NIGHT ONLY!
A Swedish self-assembly crime thriller.
It is bitter mid-winter. Ex-pop-star recluse Freya looks out of her log cabin at a rural winter scene. She smiles and turns back to her meatballs. But who is the stranger Nordic walking across the frozen wastes? In a fur hat. With a chisel. Days later a man is found dead in a barn nearby with a bizarre message carved on his forehead.

Enter Inspector Sandra Larsson in her authentic, rustic knitwear. With her own personal life unravelling before our eyes, it is up to her to follow the pattern of a mystery with many holes.

Cast on multi-award winning comedy duo LipService, Maggie Fox and Sue Ryding. Cast off your preconceptions as we weave a web of mystery that will leave your nerves jangling!

All seats £15

Call the box office on 01253 290190 or book online here:

For full UK tour dates, click here: