Monday 9 July 2012

St Annes Music Festival 2012 - 18th to 22nd July

Current event listing is as follows:

Wednesday 18th July:
The Remainders - Wild Berry 6pm
Charlese & Matt - The Fairhaven 8pm

Thursday 19th July:
Patricia & Huey Singalong - The Sandhills 12 noon
Jilly Riley & The Spiral Scouts - Silantro 8pm
Mikey T's Rockin Boogie Band - The Fairhaven 8.30pm
Cartoon Food - Wild Berry 9pm

Friday 20th July:
Owain Jones - Silantro 5pm
Alan & Janet - Wild Berry 7.30pm
Moebius Loop - Tom Metcalfe - Katy Ryan - Silantro 8pm
Matt & Charlese - The Fairhaven 8.30pm
Magic Trees - The Townhouse 9pm
The Coustics - The Lord Derby 9pm
Drearer Knight - The Sandhills 9.30pm

Saturday 21st July:
Open Air Open Mic - Nom Nom 1pm
Charlese & Matt / Mikey T / Vineyard/ Happy Days and more - The Fairhaven from 2pm
Charlese & Tom Vernon Band - Nom Nom 4.30pm
Raven Traitor - Nom Nom 6.30pm
Open Mic - Wild Berry 7.30pm
The Remainders - Silantro 8.00pm
Cancer Research Open Mic - The Townhouse 8pm
George Spittal Open Mic - The Townhouse midnight to 3am

Sunday 22nd July:
Spiral Scouts - Wild Berry 2.30pm
Midnight Johnny - The Townhouse 3.30pm
TBC - The Olive Tree 3.30pm

More acts still to be announced - check the Facebook page for latest information: